How Democrats could use the lame duck to save medication abortions

Before Democrats lose the White House and the Senate, they should push through legislation to repeal the Comstock Act, which could be used to prevent legal medically induced abortions everywhere in the United States. Given the success of ballot initiatives that protect the right to abortion in even conservative states in last month’s election, the politics could be right to repeal that 1873 law.

No one should go hungry in America

It is an astonishingly large number: 5.3 billion. That’s how many meals were distributed by the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, Feeding America, in 2023 alone. In a country of more than 330 million people, it is evidence of how widespread and persistent food insecurity remains in the United States.

How do you like that filibuster now?

As Republicans prepare to take control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency, Sen. Joe Manchin, the conservative West Virginia Democrat turned independent, has a question for his former Democratic teammates: “How do you like that filibuster now?”

‘I was a stranger and you invited me in’

I won’t forget the first time I volunteered for a Nashville, Tennessee, homeless ministry called Room in the Inn. It was decades ago, in 1990, on a cold night in the dead of winter. I drove to my church, walked into the kitchen and immediately started cooking more food than I’d ever made in my life. We were making lasagna for roughly 20 men who were due to arrive at the church at any moment.

Why I voted third party and I’m not sorry

I’m a progressive Californian, a Black man, and I did not vote for Democratic presidential contender Kamala Harris this year or Donald Trump. I voted for Claudia De La Cruz, the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for president.

Musk hopes to make budget cutting cool

If Donald Trump doesn’t kill Elon Musk before Musk offs Vivek Ramaswamy, together the three best bros have a chance to achieve something every administration promises, but none has delivered: Rid the federal budget of waste, fraud and inefficiency.

Waltz’s foreign policy dance card — Avoid dangerous isolationism

The week after he won the White House, Donald Trump announced his national security advisor. It was 2016 and the pick was Mike Flynn, a man with an oddly pro-Russian worldview who only would last three weeks in the role, having lied to the vice president about talking to the Russians. Flynn was also under investigation for being an unregistered foreign agent. Later convicted of crimes, Flynn was ultimately pardoned by Trump.

Understanding ‘logos’ — The power of words

As the dust settles on another contentious election cycle, Americans are left to ponder the lasting impact of the countless speeches delivered by those vying for our votes. These orations, often derided as mere “campaign rhetoric,” are, in fact, far more profound. They represent a timeless exercise of the ancient concept of “logos” — the art of using words to paint vivid pictures, conjure entire worlds and shape the very course of our nation.

Tuesday’s election showed the democratic system works

Whether Wednesday morning brought jubilation or despair, American voters should agree that the nation’s electoral system worked. President-elect Donald Trump’s sweeping victory came remarkably smoothly on Election Day. While there was some isolated trouble at polling places across the country, voting to a vast degree was orderly, safe and convenient, which should underscore public confidence in the result.