Applications are now being accepted for the Holomua Hawaii program, which will provide reimbursement grants to businesses and nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Holomua Hawaii program will distribute up to $22 million of Hawaii County’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding.
The money comes from the $80 million the county is receiving from the act.
Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union will lead the grant program in collaboration with Big Island Federal Credit Union, CU Hawaii Federal Credit Union, Hawaii County Employees Federal Credit Union, Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union and HFS Federal Credit Union.
According to a news release from HCFCU, eligible businesses or nonprofits that are directly impacted by COVID-19 can apply for these funds now until December.
The funds, which are available for businesses or nonprofits with 50 or fewer employees, may be used to support core operations and reopening costs. The maximum grant award is $10,000.
“In working with our own members throughout this pandemic, it is clear that all segments of the island business community have been adversely affected,” Tricia Buskirk, HCFCU president and CEO said in the release. “We anticipate a high level of demand.”
Eligible expenses for reimbursement include rent, payroll, nongovernment utilities, costs incurred to meet social distancing and safety requirements, as well as medical insurance premiums, workers compensation and other annual expenses required to operate the business, unless those expenses have already been covered under other CARES Act funding sources, according to the county Department of Research and Development.
Taxes, except for taxes on sales, are not reimbursable.
“We are a tight-knit community and the economic pain experienced by businesses on our island affects all of us,” Buskirk continued. “Getting these funds into our community through the Holomua Hawaii program is very important.”
To apply, visit A state general excise tax number will be needed.
For more information, visit
In addition to the the $22 million to HCFCU, the county in August also awarded $8.5 million of the relief funds to Hawaiian Community Assets Inc. for a rent and mortgage assistance program.
The Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council was awarded $1.5 million to hand out for nongovernmental utility assistance programs, and $11.3 million in additional awards also were made to community groups providing needed goods and services during the pandemic.