Are you interested in earning your teacher license to teach grades 6-12 in the state of Hawaii? Do you have your bachelors degree? Are you employed by the Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) as a substitute, emergency hire, or an educational assistant?
Are you interested in earning your teacher license to teach grades 6-12 in the state of Hawaii? Do you have your bachelor’s degree? Are you employed by the Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) as a substitute, emergency hire, or an educational assistant?
If you are a resident of Hawaii and have answered yes to any or all of the questions above, you may qualify for the Grow Our Own (GOO) Teachers Initiative program.
The GOO Teachers Initiative is a partnership between the College of Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the HIDOE that provides opportunity to qualify for stipends for participants of the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Teacher Education in Secondary Education and Master of Education in Teaching in Secondary Education programs to qualify for stipends.
To be eligible for funding, Hawaii residents must hold a bachelor’s degree and demonstrate content knowledge in a content area prioritized by the HIDOE as an area of need.
Upon successful completion of their respective programs (i.e., all requirements, field experience, and teaching residency) and obtaining teacher licensure through the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, students will then commit three years of full-time teaching in a grade 6-12 HIDOE or public charter school in their respective licensed field. Instructors hold synchronous online sessions in the evenings and/or schedule limited Saturday face-to-face sessions throughout the program. Neighbor island candidates may receive travel stipends to attend required face-to-face meetings on Oahu.
The program graduated 32 teachers in May and has another 25 candidates in the pipeline. The deadline to apply for the next admission period of Spring 2020 is Oct. 1.
If interested, please fill out the following form:
Info: email: or call 209-8031 (Karen Wilson, Palamanui campus) or (808) 956-4523 (UH Manoa campus)