Plant of the Month: Hawaiian snow bush adds wintry feel to the season

The light colored leaves that crown the Hawaiian snow bush can often give the impression of a snowy crown. (Photo courtesy / Kim & Forest Starr)
The tiny dark colored flowers of the snow bush appear on the underside of a stem but are not usually noticed. (Photo courtesy /
The red stems and color range in the snow bush’s foliage create an appealing visual for a tropical garden. (Photo courtesy / YouTube)

Visitors are often surprised to learn that we have a snow capped mountain here on the Big Island in winter. We delight in telling tales of locals hauling pickup trucks full of snow to the beach for a snowball fight. Most of us, who live at lower elevations, enjoy our warm weather year round but may choose to add snow to our lives by selecting shrubs that imitate snow in appearance. Several are in the genus euphorbia.