Servco Foundation
offering $60K
community grant program
The Servco Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Servco Pacific Inc., is asking the public’s help nominating three 501(c)(3) nonprofits to receive $20,000 each as part of its new Community Grant program. The nonprofit organizations must be based in Hawaii and serve one of the three cause areas selected by Servco employees: animals, special needs, youth services.
Hawaii residents can nominate local nonprofits by explaining in 150 words or less why the nonprofit is worthy of a grant from the Servco Foundation. Nominators must not be employed or serve on the board of the 501(c)(3). Nominations are open at through March 30.
Summer conservation camps looking for members
Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps is looking for teams this summer to work full-time doing outdoor conservation work – clearing invasive vegetation, planting native species, maintaining trails and parks, and restoring cultural and environmental sites throughout the island.
The summer program starts with a one-week training camp on Oahu, from May 29 for team leaders (eight-week program) and on June 4 for members (seven-week program). The program ends on July 20, followed by graduation ceremony. The deadline to apply is March 9. Kupu is seeking team members and leaders for its West Hawaii Island island teams.
Team members (up to five total to be selected) must be between 17-20 years old. They will receive scholarship and volunteer stipends upon completing the program, and may qualify for college credit.
Team Leaders (one to be selected)must be 21 years or older. They will oversee team members, and will receive education award money, in addition to living allowances.
The West Hawai‘i HYCC Summer team will work at various breathtaking cultural and environmental conservation sites throughout the island.
Info: Program applications are available online at