Dennis Gregory/ West Side Stories
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The election was not about Trump.

We all knowTrump. He is a snake oil salesman waving around his bottle of lies. He was impeached twice for corruption. He’s an embarrassment to our country and the world.


But the election wasn’t about Trump.

He is a clown in a fancy suit, shaking hands with dictators. He calls Nazis and skinheads “good people”. He said he would side with Russia against Ukraine.

But no, the election wasn’t about Trump.

He is the last one on Earth that should be to be president of the United States, but the election wasn’t about him. He can’t help being Trump, he has no choice.

But everyone else had a choice. They could have chosen the good qualities of Kamala Harris, but they chose the bad qualities of Trump. It’s a shame on the Republican Party twisted out of shape by a person twisted by his own ego.

The election wasn’t about Trump, it was about the people who voted for him. They were blinded by a big daddy figure mistaking him for an actual hero.

They believed his lies, They voted for hot air, and that’s what we got.

Should we respect our president? What’s to respect? He chopped cripple people, made fun of national heroes, put his tacky political ads on the sacred graves of fallen heroes. Nothing respectable here.

They saw him sick a raging crowd of thugs on our capitol, killing policemen. He said the deadly riot was full of love. He groped and slept with other women, shaming his wife and his country. Knowing all this, people still voted for him.

Forget Donald Trump, but never forget the slavish hordes that forgot their humanity and decency and voted for him. It was Republicans who were so stubborn they’d vote for a tyrant before ever voting for a Democrat.

Fellow citizens, stop hanging your head, grumbling about the disaster of Trump. Raise your head high and keep fighting. Our rights did not change after the election, rights are forever. They are being shoved under by this dark regime, but they will soon rise into the light.

Keep talking with friends and everyone else. Keep the message going.

Women have rights to their body, people need higher wages, immigrants deserve to work like everyone else. Wages must be higher. Our beautiful land should be protected from oil wells, and there should be no high-powered guns.

These rights we have to keep. Speech is free so let’s use it.

“Now is the time to come to the aid of your country.” “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light!”

Dennis Gregory writes a bi-monthly column for West Hawaii Today and welcomes your comments at