PHOTOS: Air riflery continues on east side

Kealakehe's Natalie Swan aims at her target during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

High school teams aim at targets during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

Kona's Zion Scott Bakken (left) and Rhider Sauvageay aim for the perfect shot during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

Keaau's Janessa Aronce scopes out her target before Saturday's all-schools air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

A Kamehameha High student aims for the perfect shot during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

Team Kamehameha takes aim during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

High school teams aim at targets during Saturday's all-school air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

Kea‘au's Janessa Aronce aims at her target at Saturday's all-schools air riflery competition at Kamehameha High School. See Page 3B to read the full list of individual results. (Tim Wright/

By Tim Wright