PHOTOS: Queen Lili‘uokalani heats ramp up

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

Relay teams of eight kicked off a weekend of canoe racing in the heats of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Canoe Race on Thursday afternoon on Kailua Pier. The weekend-long event is scheduled to last through Monday. See the paper in the coming days for more pictures and results. (Conor Langs/West Hawaii Today)

By Conor Langs