The Baumkuchen experience

In honor of their favorite soccer team, Borussia Dortmund, Markus and Marie made a special Baumkuchen in the team colors. (Courtesy/photo)

Those who register for the Baumstriezel baking experience can bake their own treat over a campfire at the farm. (Courtesy/photo)

Marie and Markus converted their garage to a commercial kitchen where they make Baumkuchen. (Courtesy/photo)

The delicious Baumkuchen made at Baumkuchen Farm come in a variety of Hawaiian influenced flavors.(Courtesy/photo)

Markus and Marie work together to remove the Baumkuchen from the cooking stick. (Andrew Hara/Courtesy photo)

Markus Stolz spent his childhood enjoying the many cakes his mother made while they were living in Japan. His German parents were missionaries there and his mom taught classes for Japanese women in German baking. With a keen taste for good cake, young Markus was sure he’d pursue a career as a pasty chef. Years later, after a successful career as an engineer in the German auto industry, he is now in Hawaii making cakes.