Candidates sought for county boards, commissions

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Mayor Mitch Roth is seeking qualified candidates to fill critical positions on various Hawaii County boards and commissions.

These civic bodies play a crucial role in shaping the future of Hawaii Island, and the mayor invites individuals with the necessary skills, expertise and commitment to public service to apply.

The following boards and commissions are seeking members: Kailua Village Design Commission; Board of Appeals; Merit Appeals Board; Cultural Resources Commission; Leeward Planning Commission; Windward Planning Commission.

These bodies play a vital role in ensuring our communities’ responsible and sustainable development, protecting cultural resources, and upholding the highest standards in planning and appeals processes, according to a press release.

“Our boards and commissions are the backbone of effective governance, and we seek individuals with a passion for public service and a commitment to the betterment of our county,” Roth said in the press release. “Your input and expertise will contribute to the growth and prosperity of our communities.”

Qualified individuals interested in serving on these boards and commissions are invited to apply. Applicants should possess a solid commitment to the community, relevant expertise and a willingness to dedicate their time to public service.

For further information or inquiries, contact Pomai Bartolome at or apply online at