Prom finery for free: Wildcat Korner helps girls find affordable fashion

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The Wildcat Korner offers free items for students and their families. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
The Wildcat Korner offers free items for students and their families. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Konawaena High School girls look through free formal dresses on Saturday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Konawaena High School girls choose free formal dresses on Saturday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Maverick Kawamoto operates the Wildcat Korner, a free store for Konawaena High School students. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Konawaena High School girls got to choose free formal dresses on Saturday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Konawaena High School girls choose free formal dresses on Saturday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
Konawaena High School girls choose free formal dresses on Saturday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)
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Konawaena High School’s free student store, Wildcat Korner, opened in April providing mostly personal hygiene items, but has since grown into a one-stop shop for kids and families in need.

Wildcat Korner was established by the nonprofit Konawaena Foundation in conjunction with Konawaena High as a place where students can “shop” for needed supplies for free. Donated goods from the community are provided free to students in need.

The store is run by Parent Community Networking Center (PCNC) Maverick Kawamoto who says he serves about 30 kids a day.

“They are limited to three free items per visit,” he explained. “The kids are respectful of that but there is a real need.”

As word spread about the endeavor, the community stepped up and donations started coming in.

The converted classroom at the top of campus has expanded to include a clothing section, school supplies, food pantry and more. Students can come in during designated times on school days to select items they need.

On Saturday the Korner held a special event for the wahine of Konawaena — free formal dresses thanks to a donation from The Big Island Giving Tree.

Kawamoto was contacted by Rhonda Bell, founder of the Big Island Giving Tree with an offer to donate 400 formal dresses.

“A friend of mine owned a dress shop on the mainland and during COVID, they had to close. She shipped all of her dresses to the Big Island and donated to us,” said Bell. “Last year during prom season I set up in Kohala. We had kids come from Kohala, Waimea, Honokaa and Kealakehe. They came and got a free dress.”

This year, she turned over the entire inventory to Kawamoto who on Saturday had the dresses separated by color in a display that took up an entire hallway. Classrooms were used as fitting rooms and the girls browsed through racks of dresses.

“This is crazy, there are so many dresses and they’re all free,” exclaimed Brook Lewandowski as she made her way through the various hues and styles of formals deciding which ones would make it to the dressing room.

“The response has been good, especially with winter ball coming up,” said Kawamoto. “It’s a blessing. A lot of families cannot afford a dress.”

With hundreds of dresses expected to be left over from Saturday’s event, Kawamoto has plans to bring the free dresses to North Kona sometime in February.

“If we can be a blessing to them and they can use it for whatever special occasion, let them have a free dress,” said Bell.

Those wanting to donate items to Wildcat Korner can do so via a drop-off located outside the store. Monetary donations can be made through the Konawaena Foundation at

For more information about the Big Island Giving Tree visit