Third annual Fill-a-Cruiser event a resounding success

Community Policing Officer Dwayne Sluss receives a donation for the Food Baket Friday at Costco. (Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Community Policing Sgt. Brandon Mansur accepts a donation for the Fill a Cruiser food drive for the Food Basket Friday at Costco. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Community Policing Officers accept donations Friday at the Fill a Cruiser food drive at Costco. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Community Policing Officers accept donations Friday at the Fill a Cruiser food drive at Costco. (Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Community Policing Officer Dwayne Sluss receives a donation for the Food Basket Friday at Costco. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Residents of the Big Island once again shared Aloha Friday by donating food and money at the 3rd annual “Fill a Cruiser Food Drive” for the Food Basket at the Kona Costco.