KAILUA-KONA — Hawaiian music will fill the air as Kokua Kailua debuts a free one-hour spring concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 16, at Emma’s Square (across from Hulihe‘e Palace).
KAILUA-KONA — Hawaiian music will fill the air as Kokua Kailua debuts a free one-hour spring concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 16, at Emma’s Square (across from Hulihe‘e Palace).
Kulaiwi – featuring three award-winning Native Hawaiians Kawika Kahiapo, Lehua Kalima Alvarez and Shawn Kekoa Pimental — will perform songs from their new multiple award-winning self-titled album, “Kulaiwi – Native Lands.”
Kulaiwi was awarded the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts 2022 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards for Album of the Year, Group of the Year, Hawaiian Album of the Year and Hawaiian Engineering Award of the Year.
“Kulaiwi was formed to reconnect kanaka (humankind) to ‘aina (land) through mele (song), the thread that connects the continuum of cultural knowledge,” according to a press release. “Kulaiwi’s mission is to serve as a link in the chain of aloha ‘aina transmission, and believes that it is their kuleana (responsibility) to share music that encourages the listener to take an active role in aloha ‘aina.”
The public is invited to this Kokua Kailua Spring Concert at Emma’s Square on Ali‘i Drive. The Kokua Kailua Spring Concert made possible by the Kailua Village Business Improvement District and presented by the Hawaii Tourism Authority.
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