Was I the victim
of a drive-by compliment?
I was walking along Alii Drive on a recent morning, minding my own business, well off the roadway, when someone at a stop sign screamed, “Go back to California, you f_____ vacation…” And that’s all I heard before he drove off. As you can well imagine it left me traumatized.
For one thing, I have no sense of context. Should I be flattered or insulted? On the one hand, did he really think I was buff enough to be from California? I’m from Canada and I’m not even “Toronto buff.” If that’s the case then I was the victim of a drive-by compliment.
Should I have been wearing a Hawaiian shirt, is that his issue? It’s hot when I walk so I wear something I can throw in the laundry when I get back. Then I put on my Hawaiian shirt. Because I would never desecrate my Hilo Hattie with perspiration.
He really seemed to have a thing about California, which is weird because I think that’s where his car came from. Is it a lemon and he blames the whole state, is that his deal? Or was it more mundane than that? Did he not understand you should take the drugs when you get to your destination not before?
I’ve heard — strictly rumors, you understand — that some people can have surf turf issues. I’m 72 years old, I have enough trouble standing in line, never mind on a surfboard in the ocean. Nothing to worry on that account from me.
I only bring it up because I’m going home soon and I have a stop-over in California. If the gentleman in the car reads this and gets in touch with you, can you pass it on to me and I’ll share it with that state? Otherwise he just wasted his time that morning. A lot of people in this world should keep that in mind before they follow his example.
Mahalo to you all and I’ll see you next time.
Jim Ordowich
Ontario, Canada
Being priced out
I wonder how local residents can keep supporting businesses along the Alii Drive corridor with the recent proliferation of paid parking lots. The farmers market lot next to the library and behind Uncle Billy’s Hotel now have paid parking signs.
Local residents can sign up, but only get 1 hour free and the rates are steep. With rising prices for food, gas and other things, how can we still support these businesses now that we also pay a lot for parking? Also, the farmers market vendors have to vacate the lot after Oct. 31. I talked to several of them last Saturday and there is much worry and uncertainty over where and when they’ll relocate. Visitors from the cruise ship were there buying souvenirs and trying tropical fruit. Local residents were buying fresh produce.
Surely, this has some value? It does to me. Will the county or the Kailua-Kona business association do something to keep us from getting priced out of downtown?
Barbara Huso
Really? Postage increase?
Now comes the Post Office yet again raising the cost of a postage stamp to 63 cents early next year. This is the second increase in less than a year. Is this the government style fight against inflation? Can they really be so stupid as to think this will actually raise revenue? I pay all my bills on line. Greeting cards were a nice touch but now have been supplanted by online greetings. Anyone who hasn’t already done so will surely make these changes with this new increase. The decreased revenue is apparently the plan to fund the replacement of PO vehicles with electric vehicles. The stupidity of government in issues large and small never ceases to amaze.
Gerald Gruber
Kailua Kona
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