The Associated Press
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INDIANAPOLIS — Division I college football players would have two periods of time — one in the winter and one in the spring — to enter the transfer portal and be immediately eligible to play if a proposed rule change gets final approval.

The Division I Council endorsed on Tuesday several of the Transformation Committee’s initial proposals and passed them on to the D-I Board for approval.


The Board meets again early next month.

The council also moved along recommendations for expanding the benefits schools can provide athletes without the need for a special exemption and concepts to improve the infractions process.

The implementation of transfer portal “entry windows” would happen this coming school year if the proposals are approved as expected.

The windows would be set specific to each sport.

Athletes in winter and spring sports would be required to provide written notification of transfer for 60 days following the NCAA championship selections in their sport.

In fall sports, including football, there will be two entry windows.

The first would begin the day following championship selection and last 45 days. The second would be from May 1-15.