The Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities has opened a statewide survey to learn the needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The online survey, which takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, is available now until Aug. 3 and the responses will inform the council and shape how the state meets the needs of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The survey is confidential and no identifying information is required to participate.
“It is our hope that we reach all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Hawaii,” said Daintry Bartoldus, executive director of the Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities. “We want to hear from them, their families and their caregivers about their health, educational and work or employment related needs that are so vital to their quality of life and well-being.”
Those invited to the survey are people diagnosed with and not limited to: autism spectrum disorder, CHARGE syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Fragile X, a genetic defect, down syndrome, intellectual disability, Prader-Willi syndrome, spina bifida and Williams syndrome.
The survey should only be filled out once for each individual with an intellectual and/or developmental disability. Family members, support workers, educators, or caregivers, may assist the individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities in filling the survey out.
The survey can be filled in online at
For more information on the Developmental Disabilities Council’s needs assessment survey or to request a copy of the survey via mail, call (808) 586-8100 or email
The Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities empowers, advocates, and supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities statewide. The council helps them control their own destiny and determine the quality of life they desire.