Ag land is for growing things
And the agriculture short-term vacation rental (STVR) saga continues. Judge Wendy DeWeese declared STVR could be put on agriculture land. Possibly Ms. DeWeese has had her nose in law books too long and may possibly be unaware of what agriculture land is supposed to be used for. She should get out to the rural areas once in a while and find out that they are for growing things, not screaming vacation visitors. Not only that, rural areas are for peaceful quiet surroundings. After that, maybe she could visit a resort or hotel to see how vacation people can enjoy themselves there. That is where the vacation people belong. We are not opposed to visitors; they are welcome in resorts and hotels of which were built for them. Farms were not. Then again, she may be of the same mentality as the Roth administration, i.e., put as many visitors crammed anywhere onto our island as possible. Also, Ms. DeWeese may have been golfing once and seen the nice pretty green areas and thought that was agriculture land and agriculture land would be a fine place for STVR.
Teresa Tagon
A good guy with a gun
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is …
A good guy with a gun.
That is, a good guy with a gun and a clear shot.
That is, a good guy sharpshooter with a gun and a clear shot.
That is, a good guy sharpshooter with a gun and a clear shot and armor-piercing-bullets.
That is, a body-armor-clad good guy sharpshooter with a gun and a clear shot and armor-piercing bullets.
That is, a body-armor-clad good guy sharpshooter who is always present with a gun and a clear shot and armor-piercing bullets.
That is, a body-armor-clad good guy sharpshooter who is always present with a gun and a clear shot and armor-piercing bullets and who does not make mistakes.
That is, a body-armor-clad good guy sharpshooter who is always present with a gun and a clear shot and armor-piercing bullets and who does not make mistakes and whom the school board can afford to hire permanently.
Of course, if there is more than one bad guy …
John Sucke
Anyone advising visitors
of water restriction?
The water department wants North Kona users to cut back on water use as there are multiple pumps down. Of course, as usual, this only applies to residents and not short-term vacation renters where there are multiple people who could care less about shutting the water off when brushing their teeth.
There are many renters all wanting to take a nice long shower after a busy day at the beach. Residents are asked to conserve water by not washing their cars or watering their lawns. Once again, this only applies to residents and not vacation renters. The other day we saw someone washing their jeep at a vacation rental property. Must be they had gone to some muddy place that they wanted to cover up. Hopefully, they used the landlord’s towels. Remember, some of these short-term vacation rentals hold many people, some up to 20 or more. That said folks, you please conserve water so tourists can waste it, after all, we don’t want to upset the tourists as they are the only ones that count.
Elizabeth Purse
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