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Bah humbug

This is my poem in response to all the wailing about the broken supply chain that will spoil our Christmas wishes.


The supply chain broke, and deliveries stopped,

Empty shelves made the shoppers gawk,

“Bah-Humbug,” the consumers shouted!

“I need my things,” they pouted.

Can Christmas be robbed of joy,

If you can’t buy another toy?

Ironic that our frenetic pace,

Might be forced to pause and face,

The simple story of God’s grace.

Let us take this time,

To calm down, and leave our fears behind,

Join in God’s design,

To wish goodwill to all mankind.

Marion Moe


Get the kids to school

I’m surprised that our state/county government hasn’t thought about our students, who attend school by giving them a safe way to get to and from school. I paid for my child’s bus transportation and was informed at the beginning of the school year that yes my child would have transportation. We are now nearing the month of December and there is still no bus rides, I called school to find out what’s happening and I was told yes we understand many parents are upset.

So my question to the government is we want to educate our kids yet parents have to work and how can we feel at peace when there’s no bus transportation? We seem so concerned about tourism. How about taking care of the children of this state, give children a safe way to get to school and back home. Our kids need to be taken care of. They are the next generation.

Yes something needs to be done. Parents need to work. And children need education. Transportation should be on the very top of Hawaii’s list. So what are we going to do? It’s time for our state government to stop making excuses and if you don’t have buses to take care of our children then come up with a plan so parents can work and children can get educated and have a way to school and home again. Make it happen — stop making excuses. Children matter.

Kathy Nachor




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