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West Hawaii Today’s exclusive, premium content will no longer be completely free come next month.

As the overwhelming majority of newspapers across the nation have already done, West Hawaii Today is making the move to sustain the operation of the Big Island’s top source for local news, sports and lifestyle features.


“Local journalism is critical to West Hawaii’s and the Big Island’s future,” said Chelsea Jensen, editor of West Hawaii Today. “In order to preserve the depth and quality of coverage our readers expect, and bring you more engaging stories to peruse, digital readers will have to join our print readers in supporting West Hawaii’s only daily newspaper with a subscription, either in print or digitally.”

Starting Tuesday, Nov. 2, visitors will be able to register and access 10 stories per month period free of charge. Readers who want to access site content 10 or more times during a month will need to subscribe to the local newspaper.

Access to exclusive special sections, such as the bi-weekly Real Estate Magazine, classified ads and coverage of major breaking news will be free to readers and will not count toward the 10-story limit.

Our valued print subscribers, who can already read West Hawaii Today’s print replica eEdition online, will receive unlimited digital access at no additional charge accessible 24/7 from anywhere on any device. Print subscribers who have not yet created an online account can do so today by visiting or by calling (808) 327-1652.

Those who sign up for a free account before Nov. 1 will receive bonus access to 30 premium stories during the month of November.

For more information, visit