We are now
paying the price
We are now
paying the price
According to tourism numbers Hawaii saw 2,751,849 visitor arrivals during the first half of 2021. Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that they were all fully vaccinated. The science says that a mere 10% could possibly get a COVID breakthrough infection and be able to transmit the virus once they arrive in Hawaii. Using my seventh-grade math skills that comes out to 275,184-plus possible virus vectors arrived in Hawaii during the first half of 2021. One word for Gov. David Ige and Lt. Gov. Dr. Josh Green … duh! We opened too soon, stopped arrival testing too soon and are now paying the price. Mayor Mitch Roth now talking about closing public beaches to residents here on Big Island. Of course, like the last closure under former-Mayor Harry Kim, the resorts will still be open to tourists, homeowners and club members. Everybody knows that people with money and privilege don’t spread the virus … not!
Joseph Appleton
Do better now
In Dr. Kaohimanu Akiona’s Aug. 18 My Turn column, she makes the case that we need to do better in improving Hawaii’s health care system for all residents. While her column was not specifically addressed to the surging COVID-19 pandemic, she cited it as showing up weaknesses in the islands’ health delivery chain. She made several suggestions for improving things, all of which focused on the near or longer term. I’m sure these are all necessary, but she somehow managed to ignore the elephant in the room: the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency. Whatever its failings, Hawaii’s health system could hardly make it any easier to get the COVID vaccine, but a still sizable part of our population has not figured out how or simply does not wish to, jabbering on about personal freedom. Until these residents understand the crucial necessity of getting vaccinated, we are certainly not “all in this together,” and the pandemic will continue. Yes, we need to do better doctor, but it needs to be now, not later.
John Kitchen
Wrong approach
I disagree with Mayor Mitch Roth’s request to close beaches and parks. This approach to infection mitigation is all backward. Restrict indoor spaces first. Masks are needed along with ventilation. And spend the money to implement rapid testing. We have lost control and our hospitals will continue to fill up if we don’t take meaningful measures now. Since we have no tier system left, how far are we going to let this go?
Get vaccinated. Stay safe.
C. Olivera
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