AARP Hawaii seeking input on vaccination process
AARP Hawaii is asking kupuna age 50 and older to fill out an online questionnaire and share their experiences and thoughts about the COVID-19 vaccine process in Hawaii.
“We know that there is intense interest and desire from kupuna to get vaccinated for their own safety and for the safety of their loved ones,” said Kealii Lopez, AARP Hawaii state director. “We have been hearing from individual AARP members and this questionnaire is an attempt to gather more information, which can help guide our advocacy efforts and help the state improve the process.”
The online questionnaire is available at The results will be gathered through Monday morning. AARP Hawaii will analyze the results and share them with key stakeholders and decision makers, and post the results on its website.
The results will also be discussed during AARP’s COVID-19 Vaccine Telephone Town Hall at noon Wednesday. Visit for more information and to register for the free telephone forum with Lt. Gov. Josh Green and Ron Balajadia, head of the state Department of Health’s immunization branch.
The results, though not scientific, are expected to provide a variety of anecdotal experiences and a general sense of how kupuna are feeling about the vaccine rollout. AARP hopes to send out the questionnaire again next month to see if opinions and experiences are changing as the vaccine rollout continues.
SKEA announces
Spring Art Camp
The Society for Kona’s Education &Art will host two sessions of its Spring Art Camp for students ages 6 to 11.
Have some fun during the spring break during the camp, which is themed “Around the World” this year. There wil be drawing and painting, art projects, making things, dancing and yard games — all in a safe environment.
Enrollment is limited to eight students per session with the first session running March 15 to 17 and the second March 18 to 20. Camp is from 8:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. each day.
Each student will have their own large table and supplies under a big outdoor tent. Masks and social distancing will be required.
Tuition is $95 per session, plus a current SKEA family membership, which is $35. Register by Monday and receive a $10 discount. Scholarships are available.
To register, call the SKEA office at (808) 328-9392, email or visit