Hawaii Ulu Cooperative wants to see breadfruit on your plate

Most ulu is simply peeled, steamed, cut and frozen at the coop, keeping processing at a minimum. (eatbreadfruit.com via Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Restaurants like Café Pesto in Hilo use ulu and sweet potatoes from the coop as part of their breakfast offerings. (eatbreadfruit.com via Diana Duff/ Special to West Hawaii Today)

HUC Manager Dana Shapiro is looking at avocados as a possible new crop for the coop to take on. (Chelsea Edinger via Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Kitchen workers Alaine Navas, Joella Fundakowski, Chelssie Pabre-Torres and Eli Ednie are responsible for processing crops like taro almost daily at the Hawaii Ulu Cooperative. (Rebekah Zornes via Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Ulu fruits often have streaks of sap on them. When the sap darkens the fruit is ready to pick and eat. (Diana Duff/Special to West Hawaii Today)

On a recent visit to the Hawaii Ulu Cooperative, I was struck by the wealth of information that employees Rebekah Zornes and Chelsea Edinger offered. They work in order fulfillment and sales and are excited about the coop and their products. We perused their large freezers and refrigerators full of their main crop, breadfruit, but also stocked with sweet potatoes, kabocha squash, taro and avocados.

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