Hapuna should not lack proper amenities
Lack of water (due to numerous broken pipes) has left Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area without water since October 2020. While usage of the park has increased, the state put in six portable toilets, that accommodates anywhere from 300 to 1,000 people per day. Pumping three times per week leaves them in unsanitary conditions, even as the park employees work hard to try and assure sanitary conditions are met.
In early December, it appeared that progress was being made via digging trenches for a contractor to install new lines, and two Department of Land and Natural Resources trucks observed the operation.
However, now a month later still no water and no finished trench. As it appears that management is either still waiting for a contractor to start or expects the park employees to dig an approximately 150-foot trench by hand for new pipes.
If this was on Oahu-would it take four months to fix a similar issue in Waikiki?
As one of the nicest state parks on the big island, Hapuna should not lack proper amenities.
Doug Gouge
Learn the facts
Every time you mention Ms. Melendez, corrections are needed. No, 99.9% of COVID infected people do not recover. The death rate alone is 1.66% at current numbers, and this has improved over time with newer treatments. (Also a few percent get permanent symptoms.) So, only 98.3% of people recover, not 99.9%. Hospitals overflow at this rate of cases where deaths are 166 times the rate Ms. Melendez claims. You also cannot lump together heart disease, cancer, and flu comparing them to COVID deaths. This is apples to oranges. Plus, we do vaccinate for flu annually, and have huge research budgets for cancer and heart disease as well as other ways we attack those health challenges.
Before you try to lead a group, learn arithmetic and facts. P.S. Trump lost because he also didn’t believe in reality and voters saw this.
Stan Chraminski
Mahalo for taking a stand
Thank you, Alohi G. and President Donald Trump supporters. You represent the true heart of Americans who have support for Trump and what is decent right and respectful.
Thank God we can still stand safely on a corner in Kailua-Kona
Carol Miles
Letters policy
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