Act like a Republican
In response to Lisa Malakaua’s letter to the editor published on Wednesday: If you truly wanted to turn our state red you would begin by acting like a Republican and not a Trump supporter.
Calling someone with a different view than yours a “coward” and insinuating a lower IQ than yours is a true Trumper move and that is not necessarily a Republican move. Maybe we should just stay a blue state after all.
Samantha Lundblad
Steeper punishment needed
Why is it that every other day, we see news about another fish poacher taking reef fish from our waters? These people have no regard for marine life and stealing from the islands.
It’s obvious that the fines are too lenient and the consequences not enough to deter these criminal behaviors. Why not take away their boat as well as their equipment, charge them a hefty fine in the thousands of dollars and time behind bars? If they want, they can wear ankle monitors and stay on their own premises after posting a reasonable fine. The steeper the punishment, the better — or we won’t see any lessening of this behavior.
Colleen Wallis
Veterans discount limited
Please be aware that your Veteran ID on your Hawaii Driver’s License and your DD214 are no longer honored for a discount at Home Depot except for three major holidays a year. However, Lowe’s, HPM and other stores in town are more generous. Keep this in mind as you do your shopping. “Thank you for your service” still has meaning to some.
Grant Baseman
Letters policy
Letters to the editor should be 300 words or less and will be edited for style and grammar. Longer viewpoint guest columns may not exceed 800 words. Submit online at, via email to or address them to:
Editor | West Hawaii Today
PO Box 789
Kailua-Kona, HI 96745