Laughter Therapy: April 26, 2020
Aloha West Hawaii Today readers! Yep, it is that time of the week for me and all I can remember is to WASH MY HANDS! Howze about you? Oh yes…and also to wear my mask! So let’s LOL..LOL..
A policeman is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. The boy, however, is too small and cannot reach it. After watching for awhile the policeman goes over next to the boy. He walks up behind the lad, puts one hand on the boy’s shoulder and with the other rings the doorbell. Crouching down to the boy’s level, he asks: “And now what, my little man?” “ NOW WE RUN!”
A few from one of my favorite friends….A Dog! **A dog is standing at the window looking outside and is talking to himself. Wow, why are all the humans wearing muzzles? Did they all bite someone?
**Same dog sitting with a friend…Same question…Why?? Friend responds: “My buddy, they are too dumb to learn “sit and stay!” ***A man is bending over in front of a dog on the sidewalk. He extends his hand and says: “Come on boy, shake hands.” The dog responds: “No fricken way!!”
???one more doggie??? ***A police officer knocked on my door and told me that my dogs were chasing people on bikes. I responded: “That’s ridiculous…my dogs don’t even own bikes!”
A Kona man is talking to his Texas friend long distant and says:” Yep, we’ve become crazy! I went to the bathroom at a restaurant. I washed my hands, opened the door with my elbow, raised the toilet seat with my foot. When finished, I flushed holding a tissue, then opened the bathroom door to leave with my elbow. When I returned to my table I realized …….I forgot to zip up my pants!!
And these are for all the parents ‘home-schooling’ !! **I sent my son next door with a packed suitcase. They called asking me “Why”. I said he is a Home School Foreign Exchange Student!!
**A home schooling Mom posted that her kid called her on the phone from his room and told her he missed the bus and won’t be in for school today. ***Saw my neighbor Tammy out early this morning scraping the “My Kid is a Terrific Student” sticker off her minivan. Guess that first week of home schooling didn’t go so well!
Ok…the results are in!! You said you would clean your home when you had more time: that’s a lie!
You said you wished you could be a stay at home Mom so you could do more arts, crafts and projects with your kids….that’s a lie! You told your doctor you were only a social drinker…that’s a lie!!
Yesterday my husband thought he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. He sprayed everything down and then cleaned thoroughly. Today, I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom!
Time for you to put down the paper and start that “to do” list so you stay out of trouble today. Here’s my closing favorite: You know you are getting old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a HOT DATE!! You know I love naughty. Be Well…Wear your mask! Aloha…a hui hou.