Letters to the Editor: April 10, 2020
The right priority?
The right priority?
The homeless camp out on the lot behind Agasa Furniture and Music Store in Hilo were given a 10-minute notice to vacate before their camp was dismantled by county workers. The West Hawaii Today article on Wednesday indicated that Hope Services was involved in the sweep. They were involved in that that tried to find housing for those in the camp but there was only one bed available. My understanding is that the county is looking into pop-up shelters to house our homeless during the pandemic. As of Tuesday, no pop-up shelters exist in Hilo. Couldn’t the county have waited until appropriate shelter was available?
The article also mentions Judge Henry Nakamoto approved a motion by the county on Monday for the county to appoint a commissioner to manage the vacant lot. Hawaii County Corporation Counsel Joe Kamelamela was quoted as saying the county is acting as a steward of the property. Is this the right priority for our county during this difficult time to be better stewards of our property than of our people? Let’s give all our residents the opportunity to be safe so we can all survive this pandemic.
Shirley David
Bites the dust
As the words from Queen say “Another one bites the Dust” as Bernie Sanders drops out of the race. Promoting his idea of redistributing America’s wealth was not accepted by thinking people. America was built on opportunity not handouts. Our system rewards those who work to get ahead to enjoy a better life for themselves and family. Some are happy go lucky “stars” in high school who don’t apply themselves and end up cutting grass for their career. Another put out the effort to learn, have a job to get through college, work hard and smart creating a successful life. Why should the latter give their money to the first just because they earned it?
Bernie keeps bashing successful people, you know lousy rich people, but as of Feb. 29 he spent $163,072,452, according to NPR, on his campaign. Now he’ll go and spend time in one of his three homes.
Seems like he’s bashing himself while trying to get elected by promising more free benefits to people who always have their hands out. Just think the good the money could have done if Bernie wasn’t giving to the large corporations, that he portrays to hate, for failed socialist advertising? How many face masks like those purchased by that lousy rich guy who sent his plane to China paying for 1.7 million masks. Or that other lousy rich guy who paid for 1,000 ventilators for distribution.
What has happened to our honesty, self responsibility and drive to get ahead without being taken care by others when we are able bodied? People want free money from the government. Keep in mind no government has money — the people have it!
Don Zero
Don’t even think about it
I understand that Mayor Harry Kim is trying to determine whether he should run for mayor again. Harry, let me help you — don’t even think about it. I realize you are surrounded by staff and friends who encouraging you, but for your own emotional well-being, don’t. You will not be returned to office and the non Kim votes will be overwhelming.
Your mishandling of the TMT $1.4 billion project coupled with your reticence in locking Hawaii County down, are examples of gross mismanagement. The other counties were ahead of us in terms of shutting down unnecessary businesses, parks, etc. I understand you recently resisted the state shutting mainland flights down due to the potential damage to our currently nonexistent tourist industry. The industry, at present, doesn’t exist, why object. Why not err on the side of public safety? Gov Ige had the encouragement and sign-on from the other mayors, but not you, why not?
It’s a sad commentary that Ige has to make your decisions for you. Times such as this require decisive action and those two words will never be a component of your legacy. Just let it go Harry, spare yourself the inevitable defeat.
Pete Webber
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