Stop the flights
Message to Gov. David Ige:
If we are closing our schools, why are you letting the airlines deliver us new cases of COVID-19? If cruise ships have been refused docking in Hawaii, why are you letting the airlines deliver us new cases of COVID-19? If you are concerned with the health of Hawaii, why are you letting the airlines deliver us new cases of COVID-19? If the most effective means of curtailing this health crisis is to shelter in place, why are you letting the airlines deliver us new cases of COVID-19 because new travel passengers are clearly not sheltering in place.
If you want to be re-elected you must stop the airlines from delivering us new cases of COVID-19 or you may as well resign right now. You are as ineffective as Donald Trump in managing this crisis.
Robert Russell
Protect your constituents
What in the world is our mayor, Harry Kim, thinking not closing down the island. He is encouraging tourism. Hotels have lowered their prices. Airlines have done the same. So Kim invites people to come. Encourages tourism.
What part of all the coronavirus cases in Hawaii have come from out of state does he not understand?
We have very few resources to cope with a pandemic here. Our population consists of many older people. Do you want them to be condemned like in Italy where elders are told to stay home; are refused medical treatment because there is not enough medical system is so overwhelmed? Does he realize we have many multi-generational families living on this island? Great, so dad, who works in the tourist industry, goes to work under the threat of losing his job. He gets infected and brings it home to his family … his parents, and children. He is a good man and wants to protect his family. What a position to be in.
Mr. Kim needs to wake up and protect his constituents.
Cindy Whitehawk
South Kona
Do you feel lucky?
Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim is quoted in the Thursday edition of WHT saying he’s “crossing his fingers” and that his “responsibility is not only the people of this island, but the visitors of this island.” Newsflash, Mr. Mayor: It’s the people of this island who elected you to run the government, not the visitors.
If you have any responsibility to visitors, it is to ensure their safety. So does your “open for business” decision make any of us — residents and visitors alike — safer from COVID-19 infection?
To borrow a line from another Harry in the movies: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’” Well, do ya?
Alan Silverman
Kailua Kona
‘Surrogate Hug’ an alternative
In Hawaii, we have trouble in these times not sharing our ha and embracing each other. You meet up with someone and you can’t approach them more than 6 feet. What to do?
The “Surrogate Hug” works! Hug yourself while engaging your friend. Living with a partner? Hug your partner and say “this hug’s for you.” Meeting with another couple? Hug your partner from the front, then from behind for the other person.
You might be taking a chance if you grope your partner in a “Surrogate Hug,” but heck, worth a try.
Niel Thomas