There’s no such thing as the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. Here’s one.

Last year, pan-slammed chocolate chip cookies were declared Best. Cookies. Ever. by social media tinkerbells. The technique involves slamming a pan of half-baked or just-baked cookies against the counter so that the air bubbles from baking soda and beaten eggs that lift the dough pop, flattening the cookies. Their tops then ripple like waves on a lake when a stone hits the surface. A dramatic look for mouthwatering photos.

Two tricked-out pies to be thankful for

Homemade pie fillings prove easy. Crust not so much. Practice makes perfect. With every pie, our skills improve. It’s an acquired art to turn out flaky, beautiful crust. My mother regularly reminds us of her early crust adventures — many of which ended in the garbage can. No worries, she says, the crust ingredients cost far less than the filling.

Crispy eggplant makes a creamy vegetarian entree

I was surprised to find crispy eggplant on the menu of an Irish pub. It wasn’t the usual pub food. The crisp topping and creamy inside made a great vegetarian entrée. Here it’s served with pasta mixed with a garlicky tomato sauce.

Greenwell Garden purchased

HONOLULU — The Amy B.H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden in South Kona has been sold to the local nonprofit that formed three years ago to ensure it remain in Big Island hands.

Obituaries 11-25-19

Editor’s note: Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service. Content is subject to editing for parity treatment and style continuity. Date of publication cannot be guaranteed. Memorial advertisements may be purchased through the newspaper advertising department.

China imprisoning ethnic minorities in reeducation camps

The watch towers, double-locked doors and video surveillance in the Chinese camps are there “to prevent escapes.” Uighurs and other minorities held inside are scored on how well they speak the dominant Mandarin language and follow strict rules on everything down to bathing and using the toilet, scores that determine if they can leave.