Paper reuse option off the table
A letter to the editor advised us that the humane society will accept your newsprint. So we saved ours and a few neighbors’ papers to recycle and drove out to the humane society to deliver them.
What did we find? Large signs saying they do not accept any longer.
So now what are we supposed to do? Very discouraging. We need a solution.
Norman Moe
Charge God, not Lee
If Mr. Lee, the person who is supposedly charged with killing Mr. Honda, alleged that God also was responsible, why hasn’t God been charged? (WHT Dec. 10)
Perhaps maybe, just maybe, because God can’t be found.
Yet when some preacher or other higher up in the church thanks God, why does everyone respect that?
As for me, thanking God is the same as thanking Santa Claus, or maybe even the Easter Bunny.
What is wrong with America when folks thank, or rather place blame on, an unknown person (or spirit)? But they claim he does exist. How funny this all seems to a non-believing person. I’d rather put my trust in something I can see, or something that is found, via science, to be viable.
So back to Mr. Lee — how can one person (Lee) give credit to an irrational being, yet have the rest of society laugh at him for professing his belief?
What a crazy world we live in!
Michael Last
Mauna authority question long settled
Ethics? I read the article Thursday concerning ethics. Seems to me that as the land that is in dispute was willed to become a source of exceptional education for the children of Hawaii and as the owner was also a Christian, we may have an ethics issue here.
The old Hawaiian Kapu System was destroyed in 1819 by the people, kahunas and alii of Hawaii as false prior to the missionaries coming in 1918. And now the mountain is a holy place that needs protection? And now is being protected by self-appointed priests of no known god?
On what basis is the mountain a holy place and by what authority? It is not owned by the so-called protectors nor has there been found any officially recognized spiritual authority to have any authority. And presently the mountain is being properly used as per the provisions of the will to educate the children and people of Hawaii and the world in advanced astronomy.
Seems this may be a misguided sovereignty movement seeking funds and power for a hidden agenda? In 1819 this battle was already fought and won by the Kingdom of Hawaii for the freedom of the people of Hawaii over the old superstitions.
Ken Smith
Captain Cook