Crew and supporters gather next to the Golden Rule for a group picture Friday in Hilo. (Photos by HOLLYN JOHNSON/Tribune-Herald) ▲
Golden Rule first mate and retired U.S. Navy captain and nuclear submarine commander Tom Rogers speaks Friday near where the ship is anchored in Hilo about his dedication to the anti-nuclear weapons and war cause of the Golden Rule. ▲
Crew and supporters gather next to the Golden Rule on Friday in Hilo. ▲
Capt. Milosz Kaczorowski on Friday places a lei on the Golden Rule while it is anchored in Hilo where Wailoa River meets the ocean. The lei was brought down from Maunakea by Kealoha Pisciotta. The Golden Rule, an anti-nuclear weapon sailing ship, arrived in Hilo on Thursday after a 25-day sail from San Diego on the first leg of her one year voyage throughout the Hawaiian Islands, Marshall Islands, Guam, Okinawa and finally to Hiroshima, Japan. The ship was last in Hawaiian waters 61 years ago. ▲