West Hawaii Today oft times opens its kimona to let the readers see their leftist bent, but why do they utilize Ken Obenski to remonstrate against the national GOP as they did on Saturday, June 15?
West Hawaii Today oft times opens its kimona to let the readers see their leftist bent, but why do they utilize Ken Obenski to remonstrate against the national GOP as they did on Saturday, June 15?
Although I will not item by item refute his progressive positions, I’m only dealing with the overall bent espoused in his latest screed. He is a “safety and freedom advocate” by self-description. That’s all well and good, but Obenski clearly utilizes his WHT provided platform to criticize, no, indict, the national GOP and its members which do not really apply to Hawaii.
Yes, he justified this by making an off-handed comment that the Dems weren’t absolutely clean but it was a minimal ploy so that he can claim to be without bias. I’ve been tempted in the past to write about Obenski’s overt anti-GOP stance, but opted to save my powder for another day.
This is “another day” and WHT at the least should caption his column as an op-ed. He should not claim this as a public service as opposed to a personal diatribe relative to national politics as opposed to important Hawaiian issues. Articles other than letters to the editor in the WHT should reflect factual, local, state and national news unless otherwise titled.
Surely Obenski has more than enough ready targets in county politics (non-partisan), mismanaged county departments, why the county permitting function is working on its third software package in 15 years, as an engineer, he should hold forth on our famed DPW well problem(s), the widening of Queen Kaahumanu Highway, the fiasco of the new development off Lako Street, etc. These are items of broad interest that effect us every day.
Pete Webber is a resident of Kona.