South Korean Sung Hoon Kang won his first PGA title last Sunday at the AT&T Byron Nelson held in Dallas, Texas. Kang debuted in 2011 and had 159 appearances on the Tour before his first win. He was in the lead with three strokes going into the 18th hole par 4, where he bogied to make 23-under, eventually winning by two strokes.
The Nokdu Flower
Episodes 5 and 6; 7 and 8 (Sunday)
Sunday, 6:45 p.m.: Baek Ga proposes a deal with Lady Song that may benefit the both of them. In order to place Yi Hyun in a higher position, Baek Ga bribes Hwang Seok Ju, but he refuses to give in to Baek Ga’s intimidation method. Sunday, 7:45 p.m.: Lady Myung Sim worries about Yi Hyun’s health condition that is worsening day by day. Hwang Seok Ju instructs Hong Ga to recruit Yo Hyun onto his side.
Episodes 45 and 46 (Monday); 47 and 48 (Tuesday) Final
Monday, 7:45 p.m.: Yoon Yeong pleads with Prince Milpoong to run away and save himself. She tells him that there is no point in waiting for his army, as they are not coming. King Lee Geum instructs Moon Soo to return to the Saheonbu once again. Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.: Dal Moon breaks down into tears as he discovers Yoon Yeong’s corpse. Yoon Hyuk and Moon Soo decide how to maintain the disloyal palace servants. Prince Milpoong is arrested. King Lee Geum calls for a full-scale reform of the constitutional government.
Dreamers (KBS Drama Special)
Episodes 1 (Wednesday)
Wednesday, 7:45 p.m: Everyone has experienced happy dreams that they don’t remember when they wake up, or nightmares that feel so real as if it were. Or the pain of reality so harsh, that they keep on sleeping. This story is for those people. The story follows two dreamers, Jiuk, a detective with excellent memory and Seyoung, a mother who lost her son in a hit-and-run.
The Tuna and the Dolphin (KBS Drama Special)
Episode 1 (Thursday)
Thursday, 7:45 p.m: Kang Hyeonho has never had a boyfriend in her life. She begins swimming lessons at her local sports center. There, she develops a crush on a fellow student, Jo Ujin. Meanwhile, Hyeonho’s swimming instructor, Han Yura, develops feelings for her. Rumors start to flow about the love triangle, amongst the other students.
Healing Love
Episodes 73 and 74 (Friday); Episodes 75 and 76 (Saturday)
Friday, 7:45 p.m: Song Joo refuses visitors. Song Joo leaves a letter for Jin Yoo bidding him to take care of himself and Yi Yoo. Jin Yoo tells Chi Yoo how he feels but Chi Woo draws a line. Saturday, 7:45 p.m: Jin Yoo overhears Chi Yoo’s true feelings. Yi Yoo cheers for Joo Chul’s tournament. Wan Seung’s mother harasses Chi Yoo.