Beginners Yoga meets with Kiyomi Falcon, RYT, LMT on Tuesday, May 7 &21 from 4-5 p.m. Yoga has both preventive and therapeutic benefits. It increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns and muscle strain, relaxes mind and body, centers attention, sharpens concentration and frees the spirit.
Beginner’s Yoga meets with Kiyomi Falcon, RYT, LMT on Tuesday, May 7 &21 from 4-5 p.m. Yoga has both preventive and therapeutic benefits. It increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns and muscle strain, relaxes mind and body, centers attention, sharpens concentration and frees the spirit.
Jungian Reading/Discussion Group facilitated by Jim Gordon, Ph.D, clinical psychologist meets from 10 a.m. to noon every Thursday. Join us as we read aloud the works of C.G. Jung and other Jungian Analysts. We are starting a new book this month; Jung’s Man and His Symbols. Please purchase your own copy (or use a Kindle) and bring it with you to our meetings.
Scrabble for Newcomers meets from 1:30-4 p.m. every Friday. The longtime word-smith players are introducing a “new comers table” this month with an intention to welcome and encourage entry-level or “rusty” players. Full use of 2 and 3 letter word lists, relaxed rules and dictionary use to check spelling is permitted. No challenge penalty. If word is incorrect, player gets another chance to play. Youth and student players are welcome.
Tutu’s House Writers’ Support Group meets on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Interested persons are invited to join this interesting group of new writers to published authors. Come prepared to share something you are currently working on with this engaging group in an encouraging place to explore your writing voice. Receive constructive feedback or comments if you desire.
Nia Fitness ~ for Body, Mind, Emotions &Spirit meets Wednesdays from 8:15-9 a.m. on May 22 &29 with Megan MacArthur, Nia Black Belt Instructor. Nia is a non-impact movement practice based on the idea that through movement we find health. Nia combines movements and philosophies from the fields of martial, dance and healing arts. This practice is done barefoot and set to diverse music from around the world. All levels are welcome and encouraged.
Knitting &Knitting Support meets on Tuesdays from 12:30-3 p.m. with Gretchen Geisler, lifetime knitter. This class is for all skill levels ages 10 to adult. Bring your projects, get your knitting questions answered and visit with other knitters; stay as long as you can. Beginners will be guided into a suitable project.
Tutu’s House is located at 64-1032 Mamalahoa Highway, No. 305 in Waimea.
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