Michael Gerson’s column last Friday about Kavanaugh “being better” than his Senate accusers misses the main point. Yes, some Democratic Senators were hell-bent on revealing Kavanough’s mendacity. They did so for a very good reason though they stopped short of saying so. Kavanaugh is a liar.
Gerson wonders how Kavanaugh was supposed to know that emails regarding confirmation of judges that he used in 2003 were stolen. Really? As a White House attorney Kanavaugh received emails with the subject line “Spying.” They were confidential memos from Democratic senator to Democratic senator. How could an attorney of Kavanaugh’s stature not know they were stolen? Yet, in 2004 and again in 2006, Kavanaugh testified under oath to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee that he did not receive stolen documents. The actual emails he did receive were revealed last week.
Also in his 2006 confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh testified that he was “not involved” in debates in the Bush White House regarding torturing enemy combatants. However, Sen. Durbin said Thursday that records show there are at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh’s participation in such discussions. Yet again last week, Kavanaugh stood by his prior answer.
There are at least three other examples of the nominee’s lies that were uncovered last week. But any one example is sufficient to disqualify Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Never mind what he did or did not do in high school. Never mind his opinions on women’s right to choose. Although both are important, the real issue is perjury — a felony. People can, in good faith, debate his positions. But does any citizen, whatever his or her political stripe, want a liar on the highest court in the land?
I have called upon Sens. Hirono, Shatz, Feinstein, Harris and Durbin to come right out and call Kavanaugh a liar. I urge anyone else who feels this way to call the senators, too. This confirmation must be stopped!
Marvin Feldman is a Captain Cook