Letters to the editor: 06-22-18
First they laughed and made jokes about Trump running for president. Then Hillary was the anointed, obvious choice because she had lost twice already. The FBI had to find a way to exonerate her for the 18 felonies she committed. Big problem — Trump was elected so the Russian hoax was created, which has now been proven 100 percent with the IG report and the two more reports forthcoming.
If Hillary was elected none of this would have been exposed. So, the Russian hoax is no more, the Stormy Daniels story is no more, so now they have a new story that Trump is a Nazi and hates kids and is the only one who has separated them from their families at the border.
Obama separated kids from their families, put them in cages and gave them foil as blankets. It’s on the front page of Drudge right now. It shows the picture and article. It’s a link to dailycaller: https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/19/photos-obama-immigration-detention-facilities
Fact: It was Obama doing it so it was OK and not an issue. Trump signed an executive order fixing it.
Every day, the desperate left creates an new story that will hopefully get Trump impeached and thrown in jail. The left hates Trump to no end.
Trump is doing everything that he promised for us Trump lovers and we are very energized to win in November simply because the left made up the Russia hoax which really offends us.
It’s nice when you are winning. Trump 2020! Dems have nobody who can beat him and they know it.
Henry Scroggin
Hypocrisy headlined in highest form
On Wednesday, June 20 on page 3A, these two articles were side by side: “GOP leaders strain for migrant solution,” and ” U.S. leaving the UN Human Rights Council.”
In the UN article, the U.S. ambassador to the UN said the following to explain why we’re leaving the human rights council:
“We take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.”
Seriously? As the U.S. oversees children being taken from their parents, we criticize others for abusing human rights?
This situation looks like the definition of hypocrisy to me.
Gail Mullen
Water accident waiting to happen
Today I swam to the Ironman buoy in Kailua Bay. At first I couldn’t find it because there were at least nine tourist boats between 20 to 40 feet crowding the buoy itself.
I told one female captain she was blocking the swim lane and hitting the buoy, she replied “little English.” Another captain said to me, “the dolphins are below you!”
Of course they were, it was so crowded with people in the water, they couldn’t come up to rest.
Thanks, DLNR, for not keeping these boats in check, as promised last year. And here is a warning to you to heed. In 1982, a snorkeler was “propped” by a boat while in the bay near the shoreline. A wonderful, experienced captain was “propped” and killed through a freak accident in the bay about the same period.
I’ve swam the Ironman course since it’s creation in the early 1980s. I’ve heard boaters scream, “stay in the lane.” In the last year, theses same boaters are cutting through the swim lane at more than 5 mph, and clustering with as many as a dozen boats right on top of the course. You put 60-plus people in the water all in the same area trying to get near dolphins and that’s a propping just waiting to happen.
The DLNR gave out a pamphlet telling boaters to stay 50 yards from marine mammals, that didn’t work. Just look any morning in the bay. Please use this notice if a serious accident occurs due to this ongoing fiasco.
DLNR, what ever happened to accountability and responsibility? It’s your jurisdiction. Get off your okole and do something before someone gets hurt.
Joel Michaelson