Tutu’s House
Yoga Basics with Janet Lam is from 8-9 a.m. every Monday. Start your week feeling balanced, flexible and strong. This class includes fundamental yoga poses, and although not specifically a beginner’s class, the movement sequence can easily accommodate students new to yoga or returning to a yoga practice.
Tutu’s Quilters is held from 9:30 a.m.-noon on Mondays, led by Kathy Lukens. This get together is for experienced as well as curious beginners to learn and practice quilting Hawaiian style. Initial supplies are provided or participants can bring something they are working on.
Advanced Ukulele meets from 9:30-11 a.m. every Tuesday with Aunty Marjie Spencer, and welcomes experienced players of all ages to bring their ukulele and join in a morning of friendship and song.
Tutu’s House Writers’ Support Group gathers from 10 a.m.-noon each Tuesday. Interested persons are invited to join everyone from new writers to published authors of many genres: fiction, non-fiction, essays and poetry. Participants can share something they are currently working on with the group in an encouraging place to explore their writing voice.
Knitting &Knitting Support is from 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays with Gretchen Geisler, a lifetime knitter. This class is for all skill levels, ages 10 to adult. Bring projects, get knitting questions answered and visit with other knitters. Beginners will be guided on a suitable project.
Scrabble Meetup gathers from 1:30-4 p.m. every Friday with Annabel Spielman. Word lovers of every age and skill level are encouraged to play this classic game with relaxed rules. Dictionary use is permitted. It’s a great way to retain and expand vocabulary, spelling, memory and observation skills in a congenial atmosphere.