Fibromyalgia Help is available from 10-11 a.m. this Wednesday with Carol Buck, a patient and personal researcher. For help solving the many unusual problems that come with fibromyalgia, come talk story with Carol to discover more about the condition to work more effectively with a physician.
Parkinson’s and Neuroplasticity Wellness Support will meet from 1—2:30 p.m. Wednesday. People with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological challenges, their care partners and others wanting to be part of a local Parkinson’s community support network are encouraged to attend these monthly talk story gatherings on the theme that health—physical, intellectual and spiritual—is wealth. The participant discussion focuses on personal experiences, community and PD related topics, including current research. Information exchanged is helpful to all who attend. Attendance by regular and new members is encouraged.
Self Massage for Hand and Arm is scheduled from 10:30 a.m.-noon this Saturday with Chikako Hoshino-Powers, LMT. Hands contain many acupressure and reflexology points, which are associated with organs and certain parts of the body. This self-care healing massage technique provides immediate health benefits, such as improved range of motion, enhanced circulation and pain reduction. Bring one large, two hand towels and a favorite hand cream.
Harmony for Health with Richard Adoradio, local music instructor, will meet from 12:30-2 p.m. this Saturday. Group singing strengthens the immune system, lowers stress and is a natural anti-depressant. Singing in harmony produces even greater benefits for not only mind and body, but also for building a well-bonded community. Richard leads this casual—family friendly—group singing experience with his hands-on, creative approach. Taking popular, feel-good songs and generating simple, easy to follow harmonies, he quickly gets the group out of their heads and into their hearts, resulting in a fun and revitalizing afternoon. No singing experience is necessary.
Enhance Your Sports Performance with EFT Tapping is meeting from 2-3:30 p.m. this Sunday, led by speaker Cynthia Magg. Athletes need a way to clear out negative events and other factors that may be limiting performance. These issues may also be making recovery from an injury take longer than normal. EFT tapping provides skills to think on your feet and refocus no matter what is going. To win the inner game and increase opportunities of getting in the zone, join this group meeting.
Cancer Support Group for Women is scheduled from 12:30-2 p.m. March 21. Whether a survivor, currently in treatment, recently diagnosed, or coping with the effects of cancer on a loved one, join this group to discover the power of healing through connection with others who share a common bond.
Plant Based Hui &Potluck is happening from 5-6 p.m. March 21 with Vivienne Aronowitz, MPH, a registered dietician and certified diabetes educator. Join the group with an intention to create a like-minded healthy eating, plant-based hui and monthly potluck group at Tutu’s House. Exchange recipes, tips and food. Bring a copy of your recipe and ensure it does not include any ingredients from animals (meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy). A nut cheese tasting will be included. Potluck dishes must be service-ready (no kitchen utilities available). Bring your own reusable plates, bowls, and utensils.
Treatment Options for Painful Hips and Knees Talk will be given from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. March 23 by Alexander Rosenstein, MD, a Total Joint Fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon practicing at Ali‘i Health Center Orthopedics and Kona Community Hospital. Whether the pain feels like a dull ache, stabbing pain, stiffness or inflexibility, diagnosis allows treatment to begin and steps to be taken to prevent or slow further joint degeneration. Dr. Rosenstein has authored numerous scientific articles and a book for arthritic patients.