Legislatively Speaking
As the current 29th Legislature heads into session, I want to report back to you again and ask for your continued input and involvement during this legislative session.
For those of you with interest, our Capitol website allows you to follow along with everything that is happening here at the Legislature. The link is www.capitol.hawaii.gov. On this site you will be able to track legislation, find your legislator, discover and measure bill status and view updates on public hearings.
If you have trouble with the legislative website or want to call about your concern or support, my staff are here to help you.
As a result of a recent survey that my office conducted, the top priorities in our district are access to health care, traffic safety and renewable energy. On top of these issues, I will continue to focus on the topics of elderly abuse, death with dignity, education, economic development, agriculture and affordable housing.
If there are any other topics that you are passionate about, feel free to voice them. I am here to serve every member of my community equally.
It is a deep honor to represent you. Without a doubt our future is bright because the people of our island home are so talented and caring. Best wishes for 2018. I look forward to a productive session.