West Hawaii Today
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The first of three phases of capital improvement construction costing just more than $4.2 million is underway at Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area. These improvements, which are expected to take about a year, will affect the makai and mauka areas of the Hapuna Beach and the park’s Waialea sections. Work is being done by contractor Site Engineering Inc.

The work, which began Oct. 30, in the Hapuna Beach north section, has required closure of the comfort station and pavilion — a portable toilet will be provided. Replacement has also begun of the concession pathway, beach and shower pathways, and pathway from the upper parking lot. Security fencing will be installed. This phase is expected to be completed by Jan. 7.

The park will remain open during each phase of work, however, closures should be expected in the specific areas impacted, including pathways, comfort stations, pavilions, showers and parking areas.

Renovations include repair of the three comfort stations in the north, south and main parking areas; two pavilions including new roofing supports, replacement of barbecue units, flooring and wall repairs; and replacement of the makai pathway with a 10-foot wide concrete pathway, among other improvements.