Teen Texting, Snapchat and Other Sexualized Social Media will be addressed from 5:30-7 p.m. tonight by Amanda Alvarado with the YWCA of Hawaii Island’s Sexual Assault Support Services Program. She will talk about how technology is moving faster than ever before, and how the law has not kept up with it. The program will begin with a short film titled “Sext Up KIDS: How Children are becoming Hypersexualized,” followed by a discussion on how this applies to youth on Hawaii Island. Learn the effects of social media applications on youth’s brain development and how youth are being pressured into “sexting” and the legal implications. If possible, call ahead to make a reservation at 885-6777.
Teen Texting, Snapchat and Other Sexualized Social Media will be addressed from 5:30-7 p.m. tonight by Amanda Alvarado with the YWCA of Hawaii Island’s Sexual Assault Support Services Program. She will talk about how technology is moving faster than ever before, and how the law has not kept up with it. The program will begin with a short film titled “Sext Up KIDS: How Children are becoming Hypersexualized,” followed by a discussion on how this applies to youth on Hawaii Island. Learn the effects of social media applications on youth’s brain development and how youth are being pressured into “sexting” and the legal implications. If possible, call ahead to make a reservation at 885-6777.
Plant Based Hui &Potluck with Vivienne Aronowitz, a registered dietician and certified diabetes educator, will be held from 5:30—6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Join the group for this first gathering at Tutu’s House. They intend to continue to meet at this time the second Wednesday of each month. All are welcome, from experienced to beginners. Recipes, tips and food will be shared. Bring a copy of your recipe and ensure it includes no ingredients from animals (meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy).
Fibromyalgia Help is planned for 10—11 a.m. Wednesday with Carol Buck, a patient and personal researcher. For help solving the many unusual problems that come with fibromyalgia, come talk story with Carol on the second Wednesday of each month. Discover more about the condition to work more effectively with a physician.
Aging and Disability Resources for Seniors is scheduled from 10:30—11:30 a.m. Nov. 15, led by Nicolas Los Baños and Alice Bratton, representatives from the Hawaii County Office of Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). This organization is a place people can turn for objective, unbiased information on a range of services and support options available to help live a safe and healthy life. Come talk story to learn about how the ADRC might be helpful.
Positive Care Communications for Adult Family Members is a collaborative presentation to be offered from 1—2:30 p.m. Nov. 17 with Gina Tumasone from West Hawaii Mediation Center Case Manager and Karyn Clay of Ho’o Nani Adult Care Services. Most older adults require some form of family care planning and coordination. Adult children, siblings, spouses and extended relations are often forced to juggle changing needs regarding physical care along with financial and legal issues. Come learn about supportive services available around structured conversations and family agreements that can assist with this process.
Pet Loss Support Group will be held from 4-5 p.m. Nov. 18 with Jeanne Teleia, MS, MFT, CSAC and a family and play therapist. For many, pets are family members, and sometimes others do not understand the depth of the loss or how to respond appropriately. This group will provide support for the loss of a pet, whatever the reason. Come talk about it, share stories, pictures, laughter and tears, and provide a compassionate response to others feeling the same way.