We are making progress on improvements for the Pololu Valley Lookout. State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has sent a project engineer from Honolulu to the lookout. The Engineering Division will oversee any renovations and improvements at the
We are making progress on improvements for the Pololu Valley Lookout. State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has sent a project engineer from Honolulu to the lookout. The Engineering Division will oversee any renovations and improvements at the lookout, and will initiate a request for hiring professional services to evaluate and recommend traffic and pedestrian safety improvements and restroom facilities.
In the meantime, State DLNR has begun discussions with Surety Kohala to acquire land mauka of the state highway for a parking lot. The current state highway, which ends just before the parking lot at the lookout, has inadequate shoulders and the current parking lot is too small with no turn around. With an agreement between DLNR and Surety Kohala in place, the planning and subsequent draft design will move forward. The location of the restrooms will have to be determined with consideration for ADA accessibility.
It is important to remember the community wants a safe place at the lookout, and any proposed improvements will be brought out to the community for input. The community approached me with the concerns of health and safety and felt it was time to deal with the increased daily traffic. From the discussions held with the community so far, there seems to be an agreement that the lookout is not a park and should remain as a trail head which descends into the valley. Also, the lookout is a destination where people take pictures of the breathtaking coastline.
Lastly, an important partner for this project is the State Department of Transportation. I have been discussing highway projects with the newly hired Hawaii Island Division Manager Don Smith. He has agreed to join me for a drive on our highways in North Kohala and South Kohala. We will visit Pololu Valley Lookout. If he has any ideas on how to improve the safety on the highway when you come around the curve to reach the lookout, I will ask him to get community input before taking action.
Mahalo to those in our community who have been stewards at Pololu Valley Lookout. Mahalo to the neighbors there and for helping visitors who need water and medical assistance. Mahalo to the first responders who remain vigilant to answer calls for assistance at Pololu Valley Lookout. Mahalo to those who will participate in the improvements there.
If you have any comments or concerns regarding Pololu Valley Lookout, contact my office at 586-8510 or send me an email to repevans@capitol.hawaii.gov.