Letters: 7-5-17
Reduce water, reduce wages
The water situation is deplorable and seems to have only become a priority, if it has, when the problem reached emergency status.
I have this thought. Let’s restrict payroll of those responsible to the percentage of water supply we have available to us. I’d like to see this same principle applied to the transit problem as well.
Karen Cochrane
AG grandstands
It seems Doug Chin, our attorney general paid by using our tax money, is using his position looking for limelight and celebrity status.
Maybe he should consider a new career in acting instead of wasting the taxpayers’ dollars on challenging the Supreme Court approved Executive Order of the President.
Actually, probably the better option would be him moving to Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Iran or Yemen. I will gladly buy him an air ticket!
John S. Rabi
Hospital made stay pleasant
On July 3, I had a surgical procedure at Kona Community Hospital. I was overcome with how perfect the staff did their jobs. From the nice young lady who signed me in to everyone in the operating room.
Not only did they know their jobs to the fullest, they were friendly and went out of their way to make it a pleasant experience. There was one great young lady named Wendy! Whatever she is being paid, it is not enough. Not only was she friendly and nice, but she knew her job down to the smallest detail.
My sincere gratitude for everything.
Ken Severson