Mental health hospital needed, not courthouse
Mental health hospital needed, not courthouse
The west coast of Hawaii is growing so fast it is outpacing the ability of the county to keep up. For instance, roadside garbage is overwhelming and abandoned cars everywhere, homeless encampments, huge drug epidemic.
The county should slow down. One of the best ways to grow West Hawaii is to keep the judiciary in Kealakekua and address the mental health issues that are overwhelming us. In short, I want work on the new judiciary building by K-Mart halted and instead revamp the entire structure as a mental health hospital. There we can care for our people instead of putting them in jail or abusing them with criminal sentences. I recommend we halt all work on the judiciary building and start converting it into a secure and very competent mental hospital to house our indigent population that desperately need mental health treatment and full time hospital.
It should be a very good mental health hospital, not some fancy digs for judges wielding clumsy gavels. Get akamae Hawaii. Judges make problems and waste money, instead fix our own problems with a brand new mental health hospital. Where we can incarcerate the mentally unstable and clean and our aina of all the garbage. Such a terrible mess we live in!
Howard Hofelich
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ tells it all
“So off went the emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, “Oh, how fine are the emperor’s new clothes! Don’t they fit him to perfection?”
Nobody would confess that he couldn’t see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. Even after the child called out and then the whole crowd agreed,” But he hasn’t got anything on!”
The emperor “walked more proudly than ever as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.”
So the Republicans hold Trump’s train, and he continues to strut and preen but thanks to our free and unrelenting press, and the resistance who feels the chill of naked despotism, we may be moving toward an ending of this dark tale. Imagine that this president would not shake the hand of Angel Merkel our ally, but he is caught “naked” on camera smiling as he gladly shakes hands with the Russians in the oval office.
Marian Hughes