Hospice of Kona celebrates volunteers
In celebration of National Volunteer Month, and to honor their volunteers’ enthusiasm and commitment to serving others, Hospice of Kona held “Just the Funny”— a dinner and comedy show on April 21.
More than 100 volunteers and their guests enjoyed the comedy of Na Hoku Award-winning comedian Frank De Lima at Honokohau Harbor’s Big Game Fishing Club.
With more than 11,129 volunteer hours across 240 patient/families served in 2016, Hospice of Kona’s Star of Service volunteers make a profound impact on the family, friends and caregivers of those approaching end of life or who have passed on. Adriana DeGress, director of volunteer services and events, noted that in 2016, volunteers performed 38 percent of patient care hours. Most hospices can barely reach the 5 percent that is required.
“Our volunteers are so selfless and dedicated,” she said “We even have one volunteer who did 3,000 phone calls in one year to families experiencing a loss.”
Volunteers work in a number of positions throughout Hospice of Kona’s many programs, including in the Memory Lane Thrift Shop on Kuakini Highway, the Nakamaru Hale hospice residential home, for Camp Erin-Hawaii, as patient caregivers and at various Hospice of Kona events.
Info or to become a volunteer: Adriana DeGress, 324-7700, adegress@hospiceofkona.org.
Big Island TV chef makes appearance
A Big Island chef and producer of a cooking show called “The Culinary Edge TV” will appear from 6:30-9 p.m. Thursday at Daylight Mind Coffee Co. in Kailua-Kona.
Chef Ellard Resignato will preview some of his favorite episodes and footage from the Big Island, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, and Cambodia. He’ll be demonstrating and sharing samples of some interesting recipes he obtained while traveling.
Suggested donation is $5-$10.
Info: www.theculinaryedgetv.com.
State no longer sending renewal notices for disability parking placards
The Disability and Communication Access Board Department of Health will discontinue mailing courtesy renewal notices to persons with long-term disability parking placards expiring on or after July 31.
“The administrative cost to print and mail out over 1,500 notices a month was substantial, and as the state recently switched from issuing four-year term placards to six-year term placards, we discovered that a significant number of placard holders do not have a current mailing address on file with us,” said DCAB Executive Director Francine Wai.
Renewal application forms may be submitted up to 60 days before the expiration date or at any time following the expiration date. The form requires that a physician or an advanced practice registered nurse certify the applicant’s disability. The form is available at https://health.hawaii.gov/dcab/parking/, at all county satellite city halls and DMV offices, the Hawaii County Office on Aging, or by calling 586-8121.
Recycle Bowl
results announced
Recycle Hawaii congratulates all schools in Hawaii that competed in the National Recycle-Bowl School Competition Oct. 17 to Nov. 15.
Over the four-week event, participating schools kept data of how much recyclables they collected to submit to Keep America Beautiful. Their efforts diverted over 6,513 pounds of paper, metal and plastic and 18,138 pounds of food scraps from the landfill.
Pahoa High and Intermediate School received a national title as Food Scraps Division Champion for collecting 16,850 pounds of food scraps which was utilized by local farmers.
For the School Division, Pahoa High and Intermediate tied with Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle on Kauai for first place as state winners. In the Community Division by state ranking, Christian Liberty Academy was first place.
Other participating schools in the School Division by state ranking were: Konawaena High, Haiku Elementary, Konawaena Middle and The Volcano School of Arts and Sciences, plus Kalaheo Elementary in the Community Division.
All schools in Hawaii are eligible to register for the next Recycle-Bowl beginning Aug. 1, 2017.
Info: www.Recycle-Bowl.org, Marsha Hee, educationdirector@recyclehawaii.org, 985-8725.