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Grace Community Church presents ‘Way of the Cross’


In preparation for Resurrection Sunday, Grace Community Church, 74-4889 Palani Road, invites the public to journey the “Way of the Cross,” a free, self-guided meditative tour beginning Sunday through April 16.

The journey begins at “The Garden of Gethsemane,” where Christ Jesus prayed in deep agony over the impending suffering and death he knew was to come. Follow the map of his trek laid out around the property, and discover signs and articles that convey magnitude of his sacrifice. The tour takes 30-45 minutes.

The journey ends at the cross and garden tomb, where the tomb will be sealed by the large tomb stone. At 9 a.m. Easter Sunday, the stone covering the tomb entrance will be rolled back, and a live drama presentation, along with a celebratory Resurrection Sunday worship service will be held.

Afternoon at the Palace canceled

Because of unforeseen circumstances, Sunday’s Afternoon at the Palace has been canceled. The Daughters of Hawaii regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

Hulihee Palace is open for self-guided tours. Info:

Hospital auxiliary meets Monday

The Kona Community Hospital Auxiliary has re-scheduled its April board meeting to 12:30 p.m. Monday in the hospital conference room.

Visitors are invited. Also, a bake sale raises funds for nursing scholarships from 7-9 a.m. Fridays in the hospital cafeteria.


Hospice volunteer training planned

Hospice of Kona is offering volunteer training from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Hospice of Kona Community Service Center, 75-5925 Walua Road, Suite 102.

Attendance on both days is mandatory to become a certified Hospice volunteer. All compassionate, caring, reliable community members are invited to attend the free training. Bring a brown bag lunch. Refreshments and snacks provided throughout the day.

Registration: Adriana, director of volunteer services, 443-2936.

Free teen theatre program at library

The Kailua-Kona Public Library will host the Aloha Teen Theater from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

People age 6-19 years old are invited to learn a song and dance from “No Strings Attached,” an upcoming play based on “Pinocchio.” Directed by Engela Edwards, the Aloha Teen Theatre is a free program that teaches leadership through performance.

Sponsored by Friends of the Libraries, Kona, this program is free

Info: 327-4327.

Kiwanis meets Wednesday

Kiwanis of Kailua-Kona will meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at Makalei Golf Club, 72-3890 Hawaii Belt Road, Kailua-Kona, 325-6625.

All visiting Kiwanis and prospective members are invited. The speaker will be Alena Gamiao, activities director at Hualalai Regency.

Kiwanis looks to serve the community by conducting service projects that respond to identified needs, especially related to children.

Info: Linda,, 325-6724.

Learn how to grow vanilla

The Kona Daifukuji Orchid Club discusses growing vanilla at home during its 7 p.m. Wednesday meeting in the at the Daifukuji Soto Mission Hall.

Carol Zakahi, one of the club’s original members, will lead the presentation. The meeting is open to those interested in orchids.

The Kona Daifukuji Orchid Club is West Hawaii’s oldest orchidaceae organization with a mission to learn and foster orchid culture and promote fellowship among orchid collectors. The club meets the second Wednesday of every month at the Daifukuji Soto Mission Hall just north of Kainaliu.


Health care and social services scholarships offered

AlohaCare is offering a high school or college student interested in pursuing a career in health care or social services an opportunity to receive up to $10,000 in scholarships. Applicants must be a AlohaCare members or be immediate family members of an AlohaCare member, and be must be enrolled at or applying to an accredited university, college, technical or vocational school.

AlohaCare will provide a $5,000 scholarship and the recipient will also be entered as an applicant for an additional $5,000 scholarship from the Association for Community Affiliated Plans.

Download applications at at Applications are due by May 31.

Info: or, 973-0712. TTY/TDD users: (877) 447-5990.