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Adopt a pothole


As a frequent visitor to the Old Airport, I have found it to be quite a challenge to drive around the numerous potholes on the road to the gate. Just to make it interesting there is a lot of loose rock around the holes to make them harder to see. I thought we might be able to start an “Adopt A Pothole” program like they do for picking up the litter along the highways.

We can even put little tags on them ­— “This pothole filled in memory of my right wheel. The cost and loss of time will not be forgotten.” I’ve looked into the big-box hardware stores, and a 50-pound bag of asphalt repair material only costs $17. After looking at programs on YouTube, the pot-holes are fairly easy to fill. They recommend using hot asphalt for a longer lasting fill. I would do it myself but I am sure that would be breaking some law. Another thing we could do is have a fundraiser, get some golf balls and putters and turn the road into a miniature golf course and let them shoot from hole to hole to pay for it!

At least if the pothole is over 8 inches deep, they should put a warning sign, “Warning, severe damage to your tires, wheel rim, axle, or suspension system may result by driving into this pothole.”

Paul Prosise


Magic Spectacular mahalo

On behalf of The Big Island Magic Club I would like to thank everyone who helped make our 31st annual Magic Spectacular at the Aloha Theatre a success. Our special guest, world champion magician Shawn Farquhar, The Solar Wind Surf Band who filled the room with music, the many volunteers who work so hard backstage and in the front of the house. And of course, the Society for Kona’s Education and Art who serves the Hawaii Island community by providing arts and educational opportunities through programs, projects, and events that contribute to a vibrant community.

Barry Gitelson

Big Island Magic Club