How to care for a recuperating spouse
The Senior Roundtable Hui will address the topic “A recuperating spouse” when the group meets from 1:30-3 p.m. Tuesday at Pink Mocha Cafe mauka of Home Depot. Attendees will discuss how to take care of a spouse after a surgery, what considerations need to be made and how to cope with doing everything.
There is no charge for the meeting other than if purchasing a coffee or tea. Parking is easy access and free.
Info: Laura Guluzzy, gerontologist and facilitator, 326-2100,
Brain Injury Support group meets
The Brain Injury Support group meets from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at Hawaiian Rehab Services, just mauka of Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union on Hualalai Road.
Lori Cannon, a nurse with Hawaii Life Flight, will speak about emergent transportation to Honolulu, types of air transportation offered and patient monitoring during the flight.
Info: Hawaiian Rehab, 329-0591 or Karen Klemme, 328-9498.
Libraries closed Wednesday
All Hawaii Island public libraries will be closed for Library Institute Day on Wednesday. Book drops will remain open.
Library staff will attend a one-day workshop to receive training on statewide initiatives and techniques on improving patron experiences.
HCFCU offers $20,000 in scholarships
Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union has added a new scholarship to its annual program. The Deguchi Scholarship is for a post-high school graduate on Hawaii Island attending college or going back to college. Eight Hawaii Islanders in all will receive $2,500 to help support them as they transition to their higher education school of choice. HCFCU has provided scholarships to Hawaii Island students for more than 31 years and 2017’s $20,000 will be the highest in HCFCU’s history.
Each scholarship is named after an HCFCU volunteer or leader who made important contributions to the organization. Five of the scholarships — Peter Hirata Scholarship, Albert Akana Scholarship, Katsumasa Tomita Scholarship, Frank Ishii Scholarship, and Mitsugi Inaba scholarship — are awarded to students based on need, academic achievement, career goals, and extracurricular activities. The John Y. Iwane scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior that meets all the criteria mentioned above with plans to enter an agriculture-related field of study. The Michael Asam Scholarship will be awarded to a senior who actively participates in an HCFCU sponsored Student Credit Union as a teller or as a Student Credit Union Board member.
Applicants don’t need to be a members of Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union.
Eligibility requirements, submission requirements and applications are available at
The deadline is April 3.