Advanced Ukulele meets every Tuesday from 9:30—11 a.m. with Aunty Marjie Spencer, and welcomes experienced players of all ages to bring their ukulele and join in a morning of friendship and song. Bring an iPAD or laptop, with forScore or unrealBook “app” installed for music sharing.
Advanced Ukulele meets every Tuesday from 9:30—11 a.m. with Aunty Marjie Spencer, and welcomes experienced players of all ages to bring their ukulele and join in a morning of friendship and song. Bring an iPAD or laptop, with forScore or unrealBook “app” installed for music sharing.
Tutu’s House Writers’ Support Group meets on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.—noon. Interested persons are invited to join new writers to published authors—many genres: fiction, non-fiction, essays and poetry. Share something you are currently working on with this interesting group in an encouraging place to explore your writing voice.
Knitting &Knitting Support is every Tuesday from 12:30—3 p.m. with Gretchen Geisler, lifetime knitter. This class is for all skill levels ages 10 to adult and. Bring your projects, get your knitting questions answered and visit with other knitters. Beginners will be guided into a suitable project.
Mama-Fit Club for Women meets on Wednesdays from 9—10 a.m. with Ranya, Kate &Krish. A fun video workout is used for all levels of fitness, whether preparing for pregnancy or recovering post partum. Keiki play with each other during the workout. The class is open to all women, with or without children. Wear comfortable clothes and exercise shoes. Bring water, a towel, yoga mat and lightweights or resistance if possible.
Aloha Kidney Kidney Disease Education will meet Feb. 2, 9 and 16 from 1-3:30 pm., with Ramona Wong MD, a retired nephrologist, kidney specialist. Hawaii has a high rate of chronic kidney disease (CKD), mostly preventable. This web format series is provided for those interested in, at risk for, or living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Often, people make choices that unknowingly nudge them towards chronic disease. Once they understand the impact of choices make today on mind, spirit and body, they can live mindfully ever after.
For a comprehensive monthly schedule with more details, visit and click on “newsletter.”
There are no fees to participate in Tutu’s House programs, although donations are very much appreciated. Call 885-6777 to register for classes.