And the carnage continues. ADVERTISING And the carnage continues. The feared “active shooter” arrived in South Florida on Friday afternoon. He made his appearance at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, just a stone’s throw from Miami. The scenario was familiar: People,
And the carnage continues.
The feared “active shooter” arrived in South Florida on Friday afternoon.
He made his appearance at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, just a stone’s throw from Miami.
The scenario was familiar: People, basically, living their lives, this time at baggage claim. Out of nowhere, there’s a gunman. He shoots, indiscriminately.
Florida was not spared in 2016, and has started out the new year with yet another tragedy. The shootings — massacre, really — were the horrific end to what might have been a wonderful holiday getaway, a return from college break.
We know that at least five people are dead. We know that number could rise — and fervently hope that it doesn’t. We know hands will be wrung, fingers will be pointed, security tightened and so many tears shed. And we also know that the first-responders, as usual, are the heroes.
We know this because we’ve been here before. Here and across the country.
The shooter is in custody, alive, authorities say. One small bit of solace in that it’s possible that this person will fill in some of the unfathomable blanks as to why.
But already we know something else — there is never a credible reason for such a hateful act.
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