Building doesn’t make sense ADVERTISING Building doesn’t make sense The letter by Mr. Gaffney about the proposed new building to house the Harbor Board is right on. Why doesn’t the state go and lease land for this building from the
Building doesn’t make sense
The letter by Mr. Gaffney about the proposed new building to house the Harbor Board is right on. Why doesn’t the state go and lease land for this building from the Liliuokalani Estate like the county did for the new court house building?
After all, it makes no good business sense to build on our own state lands when you can pay rent and build on someone else’s land. Does it?
Chris Kertchen
New president needs controls
As a frequent visitor to Hawaii County, I am privileged to read West Hawaii Today. Jack Lunsford’s op-ed piece recently confirms the newspaper’s commitment to deliver thought-provoking ideas to readers.
J. Robert Oppenheimer warned the world that nuclear weapons arms races might lead to unimaginably horrible consequences. As Lunsford points out, in the hands of the wrong leaders, the danger is much greater. Ronald Reagan understood this and made a valiant attempt to lead Russia and the world to disarm. Trump has chosen an opposite path, and we all must resist.
How far we have come. On Jan. 20, we inaugurate an inexperienced person in whose hands use of nukes is entrusted. He is not suited to the task. His tweets, as Lunsford points out, are those of a teenager, well beyond parental supervision.
The stakes are high. It’s much more than a question of world esteem. An intemperate reaction to something unforeseen could lead to fulfillment of Oppenheimer’s prediction. Our new president needs significant controls he seems determined to avoid.
Where do we turn? Lunsford ends with a wish. A prayer might be called for. Most important — we need Americans to do what Lunsford has done. Speak out.
Rich Reinis
Los Angeles
Angry over possible fine
I am furious the DLNR would even consider fining Sean Pagett for assisting with the Peaman tri races in Kona. It’s all about the keiki and ohana. You are so wrong, and I assure you this will result in massive civil disobedience. I will be in the front of the line.
Don’t be such a jerk. Encourage healthy living. Don’t kill it.
Kevin Seiter